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National Police Week
Washington, DC, 2023


Dear COA members,


In May, the Executive Board traveled to Washington, DC for National Police Week 2023. While

in DC, the board attended the candlelight vigil commemorating the addition of fallen

Massachusetts State Trooper Tamar Bucci's name to the National Law Enforcement Memorial

Wall. Trooper Bucci’s name was read aloud during the vigil to commemorate this sacrifice. On

behalf of the membership, the Executive Board extends its heartfelt sympathy to the family of

Trooper Bucci. The Board is proud to honor the memory of our fallen heroes and to stand in

solidarity with all law enforcement officers who put their lives on the line every day to protect

our communities.


As we remember Trooper Bucci, let us also remember the profound words of President Ronald

Reagan, who said, "The men and women of law enforcement are the guardians of our freedom.

They are the ones who keep us safe from those who would do us harm. They are the ones who

put their lives on the line every day to protect us. We owe them a debt of gratitude that can

never be repaid."


We must never forget the sacrifices made by our fallen brothers and sisters, and we must

always strive to live up to the public's trust.




William “Duke” Donoghue



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